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Monday 10 November 2008

The Swaggest Immigrants

What the fudge cake is wrong with us? SERIOUSLY?!
I was in Subway today [11/11/08] (with vouchers of course) getting my regular footlong italian BMT. When some FRESHHHH guy came in. When readign the african mans part, please picture it in the STRONGEST african accent.

Aff - Eh, Excuse me, do you have halal?
Worker- Yes, everything in here is halal.
Aff - OOOOOOOOOOH, Thats good!
Worker- What can i get you sir?
Worker- Erm....You have to choose one from the menu
Aff - Ah Ah Now, I Don't know how you do this thing, just give me meat!


But it doesn't end there.
It reaches home too....I love my mum. We all know i do, but sometimes he roots come out.
I must of told her something shocking and this is how it went...:

Me - Yea i know its mad.
Mum - Ah, I Know! I'm fabalastic.
Me - Flabagasted...
Mum - Thats what i said now! Fabagastic
Me - You mean Flabagasted...
Mum - I said that! Fagabastard

Nuff said.

1 comment:

DeeVine said...

African parents.