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Sunday 8 February 2009

The Swaggest Entertainment

Its official
Entertainment is dead. If not then, in the words of Lil Wayne, "had a heart attack".
But WHO is bringing it back?

if you know me, you know i dont watch the following channels on sky:

Channels 350(except runs house) - 400 [i dunno where the music channels end but you get me]

Why? 'Cos music is all the same.
Example? Single Ladies.
Shurrup you know i'm right. Then you got all these sub-standard tracks that just repeat the same 4 lines for like 2 minutes.

Lyrics are meaningless
Chorus' are longer than verses.
Verses are like bridges
Hooks are just ooohs and ahhhs

I blame this for starting it off:

LL Cool J - control myself

Zazazazazazazazazazaza my ass.

Music outta the way. TV Time. TV SUCKS!
It sucks HARD
I swear it's full of idiotic reality shows. Celeb Big Bro? Shurrup. No one on there is a celebrity. All of them WANT to be celebrities again.
EastEnders is predictable. They're not even killing people anymore.
HollyOaks is straining out its storylines.
I don't look forward to any TV shows, I swear.

Speaking of which however, for all EastEnders watchers. You see on fridays episode[Tiffany's birthday], am I the only person who was waiting for Tony to walk in and be like

"Hello Tiffany...".

Woulda been a better ending than finding out Ricky could be/is her dad. =/

I'm not a cinema guy. We all know it. I don't like paying like £6 for some crap film.

But, cos Samuel L Jackson and Eva Mendez were in it and it was made by the people that made 2 of my favourite films [Sin City & 300], its GOT to be spectacular!

I WAS WRONG. Oh, and my Bloody Valentine 3D sucks too.

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