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Tuesday 3 February 2009

Guess Who's Back?

Itsa me........MARIO

Thank you...thank you...Im back in my Redrum...- My Fiat Punto!

Im so ahead, i can't even see you in my rear view!!

Exams tok over my life, then celebrating the end of my exams took over the past 4 days and now the cold is beating up my body and my arm is banging from all them snowballs and tackles....But anyway

THis will be a lengthy-ish blog, so sit tight.

First up, My 3rd Favourite Show [1st - Scrubs, 2nd - Smallville] is back!

Only online though...UK slacks...Find it here

Anyway. I wanna take the time off my regular 'Swag' stuff to....well, tell you how great it is. No. Really. The first episode was like, KH;ASBGFBGFAKSHFK;SB;ALSJBF?!

Too many questions! Too many comments!


In fact, highlight the next part 'cos i know there'll be that one douchebag that reads and is angry at me [YES. YOU!]

As you know, Nathan snaked everyone out. The first ep shows the 'Hunter' [BADMAN] tryna get all the people with powers. He's so mad. I swear, the last 5 minutes i was like "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"

Anyway on to some quick points:

1.Mohinder Is Live. He can control his powers and he isn't ugly[well...LOL]anymore
2.Nathan and Angela Petrelli are on some snakey flex, but Nathan is the devil. Don't care what you say.
3.When I first watched the ep, i said "Peter you never gullable". BUT WAIT. He lied to Nathan! He knew whats good! Its joke. Peter is like his dad...Kinda. His Power switched up...when he touches people he gains their power[dunno if they keep it too, haven't seen the after-effects yet, or whether he can use them at the same time..or if there's a time limit]
5.Parkman is useless. But the producers snaked the original dude who could draw the future and gave Parky the power too =[
6.Claire ISN'T waste anymore. She doesn't even need her healing powers. She's cranked!
7.Sylar ain't being caught by nobody! He's still the friggin boss. #1 Character...He's the only person with proper character development!

We interrupt this blog to bring you an advertisement in association with Overly JuCee

Get involved punks!

That is all!
Bun face palming....
I've taken it to a new level
When you just read something so STUPID online or whilst near a table....Heck you can do it with an air table!

Get Acquainted!

As people should know [cos i said it previously]
I've been going hard with revision...

I've been baning out supermalt, boost, redbull, rockstar and relentless....

I wont lie. I nearly threw up when i saw this.....


Anyway. Hopefully the revision paid off....
But before i leave you. I need SOMETHING in here to call swag or this has been perfectly off topic.

So here's this....I finished my last exam....And they gave our phones back but we were still under exam conditions and bare papers hadn't been given in.
Do you know how easy it was for me to do this?!

P.S...Not all the graffitti on there is by me!



Unknown said...

I dnt get peters power, is it the same? cud he have jus jumped out da plane n fly away?

Nathan is the deepest snake/politician and so is his mum

DeeVine said...

I cannot imagine your blood stream right now. It's not red anymore... it's like brown with all them energy drinks and supermalt you've put in your system.. lol.

Anyway! Glad you updated and congrats on finishing your exams!

S.W.A.G said...

Alfred - I dunno man. Maybe he can only use the one he recently acquired...if thats the case, he's screwed.

I also wanan see that fugitive that got ripped out of the plane quickly lol

Diana - I know, its mad but oh well! Thats life! Brown blood is better due to alliteration lol.

The updtes will keep on coming!

Joshu-ahh! said...

u fully took a picture in ur exam hall!!
My college is MAD excited. They had metal detectors to see if guys still had phones on them!!
Gd luck on ur exam g

S.W.A.G said...

metal detectors!??!
No faith at all!!
We jus have to give it in and they trust us..but one of my boys' phones rang, was jus vibrating the desk...pissed lol

Good luck on your exams too