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Thursday 30 April 2009

Right, before everything lets do a quick FAQ:

Q.Why don't you consistently update?
A: Cos I have a life which is filled with all this swagness. If I didn't how could i write about it!?

Q.Do you overexaggerate your stories?
A:No. Which is why most of them have photgraphic evidence.

Q.What is the point of this blog?
A:To bait out the FOOLISHNESS in the UK

Now...On To The Blog!


So Help Me God.

I will NEVER forget this walk to college.

Usually, this would not have scared me but...


This was crazy. Basically, the 123 bus terminated...ON THE MOTORWAY[access road] .

So me and Eman decide to walk through a path...which we should never have chosen...

The reason for this was, two days previous, i watched "The Unborn". Don't see the relevance?

Well basically, there's one scene in the film where a dog turns its head round upside down...

Now imagine how I felt when this happened....[Allow my voice!]

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