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Wednesday 8 April 2009

The Swaggest Drinker

Lets Start off with a little maths.

14 or so shots + severe travel sickness = WATER GUN!! [you'll see the relevance soon]

Now. It was one of my friends' birthday party of Sunday.
As usual, I was late...Pretty much 3 and a half hours late.
But thats not the point.
I reached the venue and I see, what I can only describe as
"A giant snail-race trail".

You can see the trail next to my Co-D Garry. [Real Talk Though, WTF Does Co-D mean?]

Now. I couldn't get a full recording of her because SOMEONE kept getting in the way.
But I got pictures of her on my "You've Been Swagg'd" Machine.

If you were there, I promise you wouldv'e laughed your nipples off.

I apologise for the jazz quality, my Nokia 6300 if SWAG @ night.

Now. I never recorded the actual water gun...that would just be grim.
However, I, and my CO-D[I dunno] did our own reinactment.

And that leads to....

She did him proud...

So What Have You Learned?


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