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Friday, 9 April 2010

I just heard some real bad news...

Not bad news. I just had some bad days.
But I like that song.
Anyway, in the past year or so.
I've some pretty swag bad days.

It's inevitable.
We all have those days.
Well, I have those months so stop your complaining damn it!

Anyway, here's two of my most memorable ones - I'm always blogging 'bout others, might as well put myself under the microscope as they say.

(Don't watch the facial features - or the swearing. They were bad days.)

The first two are self explanatory.

The par with this one is that there is another part to this story which makes it worse.
I get on the train, finally get to Romford - BARRIERS ARE OPEN.

Me being an idiot, I forgot that Romford has a back exit ANYWAY that has no barriers - reason one why I'm a dickhead.

Then I RUN to the cinema (if you've been there you understand the EMOTIONAL distance from the station). That's reason number two as to why I am a dickhead.

I then get to the cinema, and PAY for a ticket. That's reason number three why I'm a dickhead. Why is it reason number 3? Cos when I get upstairs, THERE ARE NO USHERS.

P.S. - Contrary to what I just wrote, I am not a dickhead, so don't even think 'bout it.

Mate. This next one is technically a bad day for the girl whose birthday it was, but oh well.
It's summer time, and I'm hearing "POOL PARTY FOR MY BIRTHDAY!!!".

Now, you know I run on LBMT(LATE black man time - that's EXTREMELY late) as well as most of the people I hang out with. So, we decided to roll to this POOL PARTY (keep these two words in your mind at all times).

This was the, the party?


So much fun right?
There was about, 10 people all in all.
And they tried to make us stay.
I took food and supermalt.
Then made my exit swiftly.
Wanna hear the par?
They had to turn the music down cos naighbours complained about noise...

It was a Saturday.
There was TEN people.
The music was down to the sound you play in your room when your mum is asleep in the next room.

They got in trouble again.
Had to turn the music off.


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